
Wyświetlanie postów z listopad, 2017

Moscow tour : Tretyakov Gallery

Tretyakov Gallery is an great art gallery in Moscow started by merchant Pavel Tretyakov in 1856. He was buying works from Russian artist in order to build collection for national art museum. Today it's the biggest gallery in Moscow with the most famouse Russian paints.  There are many portraits of Russian's emperors and artistic's visions of many historical events like battles or coronations. One of the icon paint of this musuem is Ivan Shiskin's paint "Morning in pine forest" which shows little bears playing on trees, this motive is using on many products like shirts and comercials in Russia. My favourite paint is "The Rainbow" it show a big storm with hard to see (even on orginal paint) rainbow, i like this paint because its shows there is always something positive after trouble. This gallery is compulsoliry to visit  if you will be in Moscow. pictures source :

Moscow tour: Subway

Metro is main form of transport in Moscow. It's the fastest and cheapest way to travel around the city.   It's second on the list of longest underground web  in Europe. Metro has 206 stations ,14 lines that together have 333 km long. In Moscow live 13 milions people so trains and stations are very crowded , but after rush hour it's change into mini museum. You can visit many beautiful stations with old architecture and historical monuments.  For example station Taganskaya has very impresive dome which looks like night sky with many stars. Another station is Kyivska which looks  like a place with old  historical paintings on the walls. There are over 200 stations and each of them has own history , monuments and charm. It's shows that you can explore Russian culture and history even by ride a metro. Taganskaya  Kyivska photos:    

Moscow tour: Red Square

Red Square is a central Moscow square which abut  to Kremlin.  Name of this Square comes from russian word  "красьнъ" ( Krasnaja) which means both " red " and "beautifull".  At the beginnig on this place was a big market , later at times of U.S.S.R it was a place of many demonstartions. Today here takes place music and sport events, parades and important politician speeches.  You can visit many intresting buildings surrounding the Square. One of them is Lenin's Mausoleum contains the embalmed Valdimir's Lenin body. Here is also a most beautifull church in Russia the Saint Basil's Cathedral .  It's even a legend which says the Ivan IV ordered to blind the architects in order to they coudn't build something as pretty as this Cathedral.  An intresting proposition is State Historical musem where u can find out about Russian history.  One of the chilling attractions is GUM. It's a major departament store with very

Moscow tour : Kremlin

  Kremlin is a citadel  in a heart of Moscow placed on hill by the Moskva river. "Kremlin" means fortress inside a city. Kremlin was build in years 1482-1495 on Ivan III commission  by Italian Renaissances architects. This place was a residence of many Tsars. Kremlin wall encloses an area of 275,000 square meters. Wall has 17 towers. Cathedral square is a middle of Kreml. This sqaure is facnig to 3 catherals : Cathedral of the Dormition, Cathedral of the Archangel, and Cathedral of the Annunciation. Also next to square stay a Palace of Facest ( its structure which holds an imperial thrones) , the Church of the Deposition of the Robe and the Church of the Twelve Apostles  and the tallest building in Kreml Ivan the Great Bell Tower which is said to mark the exact centre of Moscow and resemble a burning candle. In corrner of citadel i splaced armoury building. The main building is grand Kremlin palace , it's a residence of Russian Federation president , Kreml is also used to