Moscow tour : Kremlin

 Kremlin is a citadel  in a heart of Moscow placed on hill by the Moskva river. "Kremlin" means fortress inside a city. Kremlin was build in years 1482-1495 on Ivan III commission  by Italian Renaissances architects. This place was a residence of many Tsars. Kremlin wall encloses an area of 275,000 square meters. Wall has 17 towers. Cathedral square is a middle of Kreml. This sqaure is facnig to 3 catherals : Cathedral of the Dormition, Cathedral of the Archangel, and Cathedral of the Annunciation. Also next to square stay a Palace of Facest ( its structure which holds an imperial thrones) , the Church of the Deposition of the Robe and the Church of the Twelve Apostles  and the tallest building in Kreml Ivan the Great Bell Tower which is said to mark the exact centre of Moscow and resemble a burning candle. In corrner of citadel i splaced armoury building. The main building is grand Kremlin palace , it's a residence of Russian Federation president , Kreml is also used to refer to  goverment of Russian federation  similar to "White House ".  Krem is on unesco heritage list since 1990.

Znalezione obrazy dla zapytania grand kremlin palace
Grand Kremlin Palace 
Znalezione obrazy dla zapytania kreml map
Znalezione obrazy dla zapytania grand kremlin palace
Grand Kremlin Palace 
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  1. Staś, why have you chosen to write about Kremlin? Ypu present only description without any comments on your side.


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