Moscow tour : Tretyakov Gallery

Tretyakov Gallery is an great art gallery in Moscow started by merchant Pavel Tretyakov in 1856. He was buying works from Russian artist in order to build collection for national art museum. Today it's the biggest gallery in Moscow with the most famouse Russian paints.  There are many portraits of Russian's emperors and artistic's visions of many historical events like battles or coronations. One of the icon paint of this musuem is Ivan Shiskin's paint "Morning in pine forest" which shows little bears playing on trees, this motive is using on many products like shirts and comercials in Russia. My favourite paint is "The Rainbow" it show a big storm with hard to see (even on orginal paint) rainbow, i like this paint because its shows there is always something positive after trouble. This gallery is compulsoliry to visit  if you will be in Moscow.

Znalezione obrazy dla zapytania Ivan Konstantinovich Aivazovsky ‘The Rainbow

Utro v sosnovom lesu.jpg

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