Moscow tour: Red Square

Podobny obraz

Red Square is a central Moscow square which abut  to Kremlin.  Name of this Square comes from russian word  "красьнъ" ( Krasnaja) which means both " red " and "beautifull".  At the beginnig on this place was a big market , later at times of U.S.S.R it was a place of many demonstartions. Today here takes place music and sport events, parades and important politician speeches.  You can visit many intresting buildings surrounding the Square. One of them is Lenin's Mausoleum contains the embalmed Valdimir's Lenin body. Here is also a most beautifull church in Russia the Saint Basil's Cathedral .  It's even a legend which says the Ivan IV ordered to blind the architects in order to they coudn't build something as pretty as this Cathedral.  An intresting proposition is State Historical musem where u can find out about Russian history.  One of the chilling attractions is GUM. It's a major departament store with very prestigious shops and brands. Red squre and all surrounding buildings are on the UNESCO World Heritage Site and this monuments are really worth to see.  

State History Museum on the Red Square. Image by Walter Bibikow / Getty Images
Historical museum

Lenin's Tomb, Senate Tower and the Senate, Red Square. Image by Jonathan Smith / Getty Images



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