
Recently while  I was surfing an internet i found an intresting steet survey. People were asked : What do you think , how is social program 500+  works , who gives money for this? Many people said they dont realy know how it's financed ,sometimes they had conclusion that money comes form treasury. Most interwiees anserwed this program is amazing beacause they get free money form the goverment. Why do people believe it can be anything for free ?  Are political manipulations realy so efficient ? I think that society is not enough educatet,  inflation  that's a concept it may be unfamiliar with. In my opinion people don't have awareness  how this type of social programs  influences on econmy an other parts of live.


  1. Another argument for how crucial education is in forming a civilised and developed society. Without good education for everyone we will never catch up with the better developed countries. Unfortunately, our politicians have other priorities.


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