
Wyświetlanie postów z wrzesień, 2018

Digital dementia

Digital dementia this is the idea that outsourcing our brain to do everything on smart devices. We reliance so much on smartphones and they make us stupid.  It’s understandable that is huge convince when we haven’t do remember five hundred phones number, but it’s similar to having broken hand.  When you have hand on sling u don't use it for a long time and hand becomes weaker and weaker same as our memory. Our brains goinng to be weaker because we make most of "mind work " on electronic devices. We use calculators to do easy math operations also we don't try to to remeber what we have to do later, we instantly and instictively pick up phones to make a note in organizer.

reflection about fake news

One day I had stumbled on big discussion on internet group. I decided to take a look at that. Over two hunderd users disputed about new changes in law described in article on some news page.  Debt was realy bitter. Two sides of conflict tried to convince opposite to their  only right vision , in not cultural way. Next day it turned out that was a fake news and orginal source was delete. Unfortunetly this information already had been in whole internet misleading others. Why poeople are so gullible ? If they have time to disscus about something whole day they also have time and also many placeces to check authneticity of informations. Are people just to lazy ? They want to live in fake world full of lies ? Maybe society only wants to argue with others.


Recently while  I was surfing an internet i found an intresting steet survey. People were asked : What do you think , how is social program 500+  works , who gives money for this? Many people said they dont realy know how it's financed ,sometimes they had conclusion that money comes form treasury. Most interwiees anserwed this program is amazing beacause they get free money form the goverment. Why do people believe it can be anything for free ?  Are political manipulations realy so efficient ? I think that society is not enough educatet,  inflation  that's a concept it may be unfamiliar with . In my opinion people don't have awareness  how this type of social programs  influences on econmy an other parts of live.