
Wyświetlanie postów z luty, 2019

video 2 The short story "I, pencil" is tryining to explain the miracle of free market. It's showing elaborated  mechanism of market on simple example, on pencil. Author prove that pencil creating process is vey complex and partically nobody know how to  go through it completely from start to finish. It shows that uncountable number of people worked together, even if they never met, to create just a pencil. perishing  kiln dried tallow

viedo- Can free-cash handouts help society?

The video is talking about a huge social experiment. Stockton is city in California that few years ago was declared bankrupt, today there more than 50% people are unemployed.  Chris Hughes , billionaire , Facebook cofounder decide to co-found the hand-outs for people whether someone works or not. Because in future there may wouldn’t be any job for humans, they want to find an answer for a question what's happens if we free people from work?  No-strings-attached - This cooperation contract has no strings attached.