
Wyświetlanie postów z listopad, 2018

Why are alt-right politicians like Bolsonaro becoming more and more popular?

We can find an answer by asking another question: Why are left-wing parties loosing support ? I think it's happens because society recognise that politiclas of left side don't really want to create fair and liberal country. Year after year peaople hear about more and more scandals like nepotism, corruption and other acts of breaking law or hideing truth . When all these thinks comes out people starts thinking more and they have new point of view about the socialistic system , that left-wingers usually implement. Citizens realized that they are only a cob in big machine named country, their life and freedom are regulated by goverment. Society becomes more educated and every person want's to be free separated unit which can self determinate.  As a result people choose a right-wing parties as a 'wind of change' for their own life.