
Wyświetlanie postów z luty, 2018

Why do people belive in supernatural things ?

Why do people still belive in supernatural when they have so advanced science ? Many people will say that in 21th century we can explain everything by science , but can we really ? When we are asking about metaphysical and why community belive in it ,we are asking about why they practise religions? It's truth that we can explain many phenomenons by science but it can tell us many things. What is the meanig of our life? What is after death ?  There is no answers for this qeustions in any of fields of scienceand I think it wouldn't be ever .

Should people spent money on space exploration?

In my opinion we should spent money on space explorations. Beacause when our planet will be destroyed beacause of contaminated  environment , we will have to leave it. Then people will need a planet or other orb where living conditions are similar to this on earth. To find this place we have to to do research in space. Launching rockets is very expensive and it makes many pollution on earth and around earth orbit but it's necessary sacrifice to exploring the cosmos . The only way to get knowledge about universe and propably save the humanity is spending money on space exploration.