
v3 Film tries to counter the most popular arguments against the marijuana legalization. People against legalization says the marijuana ist strong drug, but the truth is it become more and more strong because its's illegal. Stats shows, that contest of  THC , main psychoatcive ingredientk, is increasing year by year.  It's happens because we can't control procudction of banned items. We have examples of many countries, like Portugal,  that implemented harm reduction policy. Thanks to that, we know that having drug's production and distribution under control has better result than fighting with them  while there are illegal. gate way drug - Marijuana ist gate way drug to stronger endorsing Thank you for endorsing my recommendation

video 2 The short story "I, pencil" is tryining to explain the miracle of free market. It's showing elaborated  mechanism of market on simple example, on pencil. Author prove that pencil creating process is vey complex and partically nobody know how to  go through it completely from start to finish. It shows that uncountable number of people worked together, even if they never met, to create just a pencil. perishing  kiln dried tallow

viedo- Can free-cash handouts help society?

The video is talking about a huge social experiment. Stockton is city in California that few years ago was declared bankrupt, today there more than 50% people are unemployed.  Chris Hughes , billionaire , Facebook cofounder decide to co-found the hand-outs for people whether someone works or not. Because in future there may wouldn’t be any job for humans, they want to find an answer for a question what's happens if we free people from work?  No-strings-attached - This cooperation contract has no strings attached.

Why are alt-right politicians like Bolsonaro becoming more and more popular?

We can find an answer by asking another question: Why are left-wing parties loosing support ? I think it's happens because society recognise that politiclas of left side don't really want to create fair and liberal country. Year after year peaople hear about more and more scandals like nepotism, corruption and other acts of breaking law or hideing truth . When all these thinks comes out people starts thinking more and they have new point of view about the socialistic system , that left-wingers usually implement. Citizens realized that they are only a cob in big machine named country, their life and freedom are regulated by goverment. Society becomes more educated and every person want's to be free separated unit which can self determinate.  As a result people choose a right-wing parties as a 'wind of change' for their own life.

food of future ?

Recently I have read an article about cultured meat and I have thought is that really good way to make synthetic food? Cultured meat can be an answer for vegetarians needments. Lab meat is definitely more eco that traditional. It doesn't consume a lot of nourishment so we haven't to developed much area for crops. In vitro food is also made without a killing animals then everybody who stop eating meat because of  "inhumane" animals treatment can get back to wholesome diet. But is this positively for our health ? However it's solves many problems it leaves huge uncertainty related with ethical-religoius complications and real influence for whole world.

Digital dementia

Digital dementia this is the idea that outsourcing our brain to do everything on smart devices. We reliance so much on smartphones and they make us stupid.  It’s understandable that is huge convince when we haven’t do remember five hundred phones number, but it’s similar to having broken hand.  When you have hand on sling u don't use it for a long time and hand becomes weaker and weaker same as our memory. Our brains goinng to be weaker because we make most of "mind work " on electronic devices. We use calculators to do easy math operations also we don't try to to remeber what we have to do later, we instantly and instictively pick up phones to make a note in organizer.

reflection about fake news

One day I had stumbled on big discussion on internet group. I decided to take a look at that. Over two hunderd users disputed about new changes in law described in article on some news page.  Debt was realy bitter. Two sides of conflict tried to convince opposite to their  only right vision , in not cultural way. Next day it turned out that was a fake news and orginal source was delete. Unfortunetly this information already had been in whole internet misleading others. Why poeople are so gullible ? If they have time to disscus about something whole day they also have time and also many placeces to check authneticity of informations. Are people just to lazy ? They want to live in fake world full of lies ? Maybe society only wants to argue with others.